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Environmental requirements for using CMMs

時間:2022-11-10 00:43:08   訪問量:1

1、 Humidity

In principle, the humidity will not affect the measurement accuracy of the three coordinates, but if the humidity of the measurement environment is high, it will have a negative impact on the electronic machine parts, and rust will occur in serious cases.

2、 Temperature

In order to ensure that the CMM can give full play to the advantages of measurement, it is particularly important that the measurement site is in a constant temperature environment. According to relevant regulations, the standard temperature state of the precision measurement environment specifies that the ideal temperature of level 1 standard temperature state is 20 ℃± 1 ℃, and the temperature change is 2 ℃ for 8 hours, which is also the temperature standard of the laboratory. If the temperature is too high or too low, the sample will expand or shrink, resulting in measurement errors.

3、 Machine handling path

Please plan and prepare the installation site, transportation path and transportation tools of the three-dimensional measuring machine in advance. Door width, door height and the height of the CMM installation site shall be completed in advance to facilitate handling and installation.

4、 Ground vibration

When the vibration is below 10Hz, the amplitude must be 2 μ Below P-P. When vibrating at 10Hz~50Hz, the acceleration must be below 0.4qal. It is recommended that the installation site should be as far away from the vibration sources such as the press machine or large truck access as possible. If necessary, the shockproof foundation should be built to ensure the accuracy of the machine and correct the measurement error.

5、 Current and voltage

The current and voltage quality may be unstable in some areas, which generally requires the installation of voltage stabilizer and UPS. The CMM uses 220V voltage, and five to six sockets should be guaranteed.

6、 Air source

The CMM is actuated by air bearing, which requires high air quality. Therefore, it is recommended that Zui should give the independent air source a stable air pressure of 0.45MPa or above, and strengthen the triple water filter and oil filter to ensure that the air source is clean and increase the service life of the machine. take Φ The 8mm pipeline quick connector is set near the machine table of the CMM.

上一篇:Operation and precautions of CMM

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